
Artículos, entrevistas y presentaciones con el seguimiento, sistematización y análisis de los datos


Artículos, entrevistas y presentaciones con el seguimiento, sistematización y análisis de los datos

Últimas Noticias en Análisis

Venezuela supera el umbral del uso de la fuerza letal

Venezuela supera el umbral del uso de la fuerza letal

09 de febrero de 2022 | Keymer Ávila En estas líneas presento una síntesis de los principales hallazgos de la investigación sobre el uso de la fuerza letal en Venezuela, que realizamos en el marco de la segunda edición del proyecto regional Monitor del Uso...

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Abuse of lethal force most extreme in Venezuela

Abuse of lethal force most extreme in Venezuela

February 16, 2022 | Keymer Ávila The following lines are a synthesis of the main findings of a research on the use and abuse of lethal force in Venezuela, conducted in the framework of the second edition of the Lethal Force Monitor, a regional project consisting...

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A Snapshot of Hell

A Snapshot of Hell

October 8, 2021 | Manuel Llorens & Keymer Ávila This week, the video of an execution, followed by an audio clip of an officer explaining how to cover up the evidence, went viral on social media. The reaction shows how immoral our security forces are... and our...

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What happened in La Vega?

What happened in La Vega?

January 25, 2021 Keymer Ávila | @Keymer_Avila The first thing that we must clarify is that in order to talk about a specific case like that of La Vega, it is necessary to do field work within the community itself, almost of a police nature, this is not our...

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Violence, patronage, and criminal governance in Venezuela

Violence, patronage, and criminal governance in Venezuela

January 15, 2021 Keymer Ávila | @Keymer_Avila The context of a recent blod bath in two Caracas' slums tells a complex story of how violence gets out of control. It is very difficult to generalize, each slum has its own universe, actors and logic. Last year, when...

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