Interview | Keymer Ávila: “The State has been extremely effective in using force to retain power”

Interview | Keymer Ávila: “The State has been extremely effective in using force to retain power”

The criminologist Keymer Ávila emphasizes that inaction in the face of human rights violations by security organizations can be considered a government policy that involves tolerance and institutional protection. 28 de abril de 2019 Sofía Nederr The performance of the...
Venezuelan Opposition’s Police Reform Law Seeks Decentralization and Increased Firepower

Venezuelan Opposition’s Police Reform Law Seeks Decentralization and Increased Firepower

11 de diciembre de 2016 Rebecca Hanson In October the National Assembly (AN) approved in second discussion, a reform of the Ley Orgánica del Servicio de Policía y Cuerpo de Policía Nacional Bolivariana (LOSPCPNB). The reform had been in the works since August of...