Resultados de la búsqueda (2017)

Periodismo incorporado

Periodismo incorporado

16 de marzo de 2017 Keymer Ávila | @Keymer_Avila Los discursos polarizantes y de unidad nacional suelen ser útiles para generar cohesión social y consensos. Así, por ejemplo, durante el mes de julio de 2015 de manera simultánea a las OLP se emprendió la campaña por la...

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Embedded journalism

Embedded journalism

March 16, 2017 Keymer Ávila | @Keymer_Avila Polarizing and national unity discourses are often useful for generating social cohesion and consensus. Thus, for example, during the month of July 2015, simultaneously with the OLP , the campaign for the...

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Plan Carabobo 2021

Plan Carabobo 2021

24 de enero de 2017Keymer Ávila | @Keymer_Avila Con el Plan Carabobo 2021 presentado por el Presidente, se está promoviendo nuevamente la militarización, la hipertrofia policial y la institucionalización de la delación entre vecinos y comunidades "Si queremos que todo...

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Venezuela violence fears as militia and gangs await aid convoy

Venezuela violence fears as militia and gangs await aid convoy

Stacked up: Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has refused to allow humanitarian aid in © AFP Opposition effort to deliver food and medicine likely to be met by a potentially deadly force 20 de febrero de 2019 Gideon Long When opposition volunteers try to cross from...

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Maduro Turns to Special Police Force to Crush Dissent

Maduro Turns to Special Police Force to Crush Dissent

Friends and family carrying the coffin of Yonaiker Ordóñez, 18. His relatives said he was killed on Sunday by a special police force created by President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela.Credit... Meridith Kohut for The New York Times 30 de enero de 2019 Ana Vanessa...

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Das Demonstrationsrecht ist nicht absolut

Das Demonstrationsrecht ist nicht absolut

Bei den Demonstrationen in Venezuela halten sich beide Seiten teils nicht an die gesetzlichen Regeln Der Jurist Keymer Ávila über die Entwicklungen in Venezuela und die Rolle der Justiz 27 de mayo de 2017 Jürgen Vogt Per Gerichtsurteil will Venezuelas Präsident...

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