Resultados de la búsqueda (2018)

País de balas oficiales

País de balas oficiales

Dios te libre de que la FAES toque tu puerta. La serie "Vidas en la memoria", hecha por el Monitor del Uso de la Fuerza Letal en Venezuela, Madres Poderosas y el Grupo La Vida de Nos, cuenta historias de víctimas de ejecuciones extrajudiciales 17 de agosto de...

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La Reforma Policial en Venezuela

La Reforma Policial en Venezuela

Taller Internacional sobre Reforma Policial Fundación Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) 12 y 13 de abril de 2018 - VENEZUELA

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Executed in their own homes

Executed in their own homes

July 16, 2022 | Keymer Ávila A few weeks ago we published our most recent investigation. The FAES does not depend on anyone. Death as a currency , in which we try to reflect on the "FAES" phenomenon as a manifestation of...

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Abuse of lethal force most extreme in Venezuela

Abuse of lethal force most extreme in Venezuela

February 16, 2022 | Keymer Ávila The following lines are a synthesis of the main findings of a research on the use and abuse of lethal force in Venezuela, conducted in the framework of the second edition of the Lethal Force Monitor, a regional project consisting...

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