June 3, 2017
Keymer Ávila | @Keymer_Avila
The figures are important to analyze and understand the facts that surround us . The current crisis has generated various data that is of interest and that the Public Ministry has published in a timely manner on its website .. Based on these records, a first characterization of the deadly violence can be made, as well as the victims, linked to the street conflict in recent weeks. From the situational point of view, it can be affirmed that it is a violence that occurs in the public space and that its main instrument is firearms (72%), the majority of which have occurred in the context of demonstrations (66%). In at least 24% of these cases, the State security forces are responsible, and in a similar percentage, attacks by irregular civilian groups carrying firearms can be evidenced.
Regarding the profile of the victims, 93% are men, their average age is about 27 years. 36% belong to the working class and 29% are students; these two sectors constitute the majority profile of the victims (65%)
The security body linked to the largest number of cases is the GNB, followed by the state police and the PNB, which is to be expected, since they are the bodies with jurisdiction over protest control . However, this is not reflected in the same way in the profile of deceased officials, among whom is a municipal police officer who should not directly perform this type of function . The total number of deceased officials is 3, which represents 5% of the total victims, and which constitutes an indicator that not all the demonstrations have been peaceful, on the contrary, in some cases they have turned violent and even criminal. This can be seen in the number of injured that exceeds 1,000 people.
Regarding the profile of the victims, 93% are men, their average age is about 27 years. 36% belong to the working class and 29% are students; these two sectors constitute the majority profile of the victims (65%).
The states with the highest number of victims are the Capital District (31%), Barinas (16%), Carabobo (14%), Lara ( 10%) and Táchira (10%). These five states account for 81% of fatalities.
Publicado originalmente en Provea.